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You can become certified by watching a number of our videos and then taking a short, open book quiz. When you pass the exam, we send you a certificate in Light Therapy. If you purchase a light or laser therapy device from one of our sponsors, LZR UltraBright, BrainTap, MagnaWave, or Apollo we will certify you for free!


If you have not purchased a device from one of our sponsors, the cost  of certification is $500.00.


If you are interested in becoming a Certified Light Therapy Practitioner, please email me at:

About Us

Curtis Turchin, M.A., D.C. has been considered a light and laser therapy expert for over 40 years. He was Director of Clinical Sciences for Bales Scientific, the first FDA cleared light device. He has published 4 books, more than 20 journal articles, and  extensively interviewed on radio and television. He is the author of the text, Light and Light Therapy: Clinical Procedures, described as the authoritative text on clinical light treatment as well as LED and Light Therapy, Veterinary Laser Therapy, and Treating Addictions with Light Therapy, He has a bachelor’s degree in pre-medical studies from the University of Southern California, a master’s degree in education from San Francisco State University, and a doctor of chiropractic from Palmer College. He is in private practice in the Sonoma wine country.

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